
Please cite the PASE database using the following conventions:

References to individuals: ‘Alfred 8’, Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England,, accessed 27 May 2023.

References to other web pages: ‘Digital Strategy’, Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England,, accessed 27 May 2023.

Please cite PASE Domesday using the following conventions:

References to individuals for whom a profile exists (the editorial status of these individuals is marked 4/5 in the table of on the landing page of PASE Domesday): C. P. Lewis, ‘Skalpi 2: Skalpi, housecarl of Earl Harold, fl. 1066’, PASE Domesday, ed. Stephen Baxter, 2nd revised edition (2016),, accessed 27 May 2023.

References to all other individuals: ‘Harold 3: Harold, earl, fl. 1066’ (provisional), PASE Domesday, ed. Stephen Baxter, 2nd revised edition (2016),, accessed 27 May 2023.