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Discussion of the name

Adelelm is a Continental Germanic masculine name corresponding to Old English Æthelhelm (which comprises the elements æðele ‘noble, famous’ and helm ‘protection, helmet’).  As von Feilitzen (1937: 78-9, 184) points out, the insular spelling of Æthelhelm had become reduced to Æthelm (whence DB Ailm) by c.940 and so the Adelelmus and similar forms in DB are probably derived from CG Adelelm not OE Æthelhelm.  This interpretation has been adopted here with regard to distinguishing between the two names.

The PASE corpus does not record any pre-Conquest instances of the name but does note Adelelm 1 as the abbot of Abingdon (1071-83).


von Feilitzen 1937: O. von Feilitzen, The Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book, Nomina Germanica 3 (Uppsala, 1937)

Forms of the name

Spellings in Domesday Book: Adelalmus, Adelalnus, Adeledmus, Adelelmus, Alelmus

Forms in modern scholarship:

von Feilitzen head forms: Adalhelm, Adel(h)elm

Phillimore edition: Aethelhelm (TRE); Adelelm, Adelhelm, Aethelhelm (TRW)

Alecto edition: Æthelhelm (TRE); Adelelm (TRW)

Distribution map of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

List of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

Holder 1066

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Kent 9,11 Worth Adelelmus Adelelm 'of Worth' Edward, king Hugh de Montfort Bertram 'of Worth' 0.31 1.00 0.00 A

Subtenant in 1086

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Berkshire 22,12 Kingston Bagpuize Adelelmus Thorkil 'of Chalgrove' Edward, king William fitzAnsculf Adelelm 'of Kingston Bagpuize' 5.00 5.00 3.00 -
Essex 35,12 Helions Bumpstead - Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere - Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 2.00 5.00 8.00 -
Essex 35,7 Horseham Hall - 2 sokemen - Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.38 1.00 1.00 -
Herefordshire 23,5 Hanleys End - Leofing 'of Hanleys End' - Drew fitzPons Adelelm the man of Drew fitzPons 0.43 0.20 0.20 -
Herefordshire 23,5 Hanleys End - Godwine 'of Hanleys End' - Drew fitzPons Adelelm the man of Drew fitzPons 0.43 0.20 0.20 -
Herefordshire 23,5 Hanleys End - Alweard 'of Mathon' - Drew fitzPons Adelelm the man of Drew fitzPons 0.43 0.20 0.20 -
Herefordshire 23,6 Mathon - Alweard 'of Mathon' Odda, earl Drew fitzPons Adelelm the man of Drew fitzPons 0.50 0.25 0.50 -
Leicestershire 36,2 Hoby - Ulf son of Tope - Drew de la Beuvrière Adelelm 'of Hoby' 4.25 0.10 1.00 -
Lincolnshire 26,22 Kexby - Eskil 'of Kexby' - Colswein 'of Lincoln' Adelelm 'of Kexby' 3.44 2.00 2.00 -
Norfolk 13,20 Shipdam - 1 sokeman - Hermer de Ferrers Adelelm the man of Hermer de Ferrers 0.13 0.20 0.20 -
Norfolk 66,28 Yaxham - 10 free men unnamed antecessor of Hermer de Ferrers Hermer de Ferrers Adelelm the man of Hermer de Ferrers 0.44 1.00 0.50 -
Suffolk 35,5 Burgate - 9 sokemen Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 1.18 0.00 0.00 -
Suffolk 35,5 Burgate - Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere - Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 5.00 16.00 19.20 -
Suffolk 35,7 Mellis - Wulfwaru 'of Mellis' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Thornham - Wulfmær 'of Thornham' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Rickinghall - Beorhtmær 'of Rickinghall' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Gislingham - Eadric 'of Gislingham' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Wortham - Godwine 'of Wortham' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Wortham - Wulfgeat 'of Wortham' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Wortham - Boti 'of Wortham' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Wortham - Ordric 'of Wortham' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Thrandeston - Fulcard 'of Mellis' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Thrandeston - Alwine 'of Wortham' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Mellis - Leofwine Bynna Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Mellis - Fulcard 'of Mellis' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Wortham - Coleman the man of Wulfgifu Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Mellis - Megenlioba 'of Mellis' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.12 0.40 0.40 -
Suffolk 35,7 Wortham - Alwine 'of Wortham' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Burgate - Milde 'of Burgate' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Wortham - Besi 'of Gislingham' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Wortham - Stanheard 'of Wortham' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Wortham - Godric 'of Wortham' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Mellis - Leofric of Thorndon Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,7 Mellis - Godric 'of Mellis' Wulfwine, antecessor of Aubrey de Vere Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.04 0.13 0.13 -
Suffolk 35,8 Gislingham - Leofcwen 'of Gislingham' - Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.06 0.08 0.08 -
Suffolk 35,8 Gislingham - Leofstan 'of Gislingham' - Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.06 0.08 0.08 -
Suffolk 35,8 Gislingham - Wulfmær 'of Thornham' - Aubrey de Vere Adelelm the man of Aubrey de Vere 0.06 0.08 0.08 -
Wiltshire 24,18 Hill Deverill Adelelmus Sæwulf 'of Hill Deverill' - Edward of Salisbury Adelelm the man of Edward of Salisbury 4.00 2.00 3.00 -
Wiltshire 24,26 Baycliff Adelelmus Winegot 'of Baycliff' - Edward of Salisbury Adelelm the man of Edward of Salisbury 1.00 1.00 2.00 -