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Discussion of the name

A provisional attempt has been made to identify the people recorded in Domesday Book who bore this name; however, the material remains to be checked and edited, and profiles of these people remain to be written.

Forms of the name

Spellings in Domesday Book: Seiar, Seiardus, Seuardus, Seubar, Seuuar, Seuuard, Seuuardus, Seuuart, Seward, Sewardus, Siuardus, Siuuard, Siuuardbar, Siuuardus, Siuuart, Siuuradus, Siward, Siward brother of Sæwulf,  man of Earl Harold, Siwardus, Su Wart

Forms in modern scholarship:

  von Feilitzen head forms:

  Phillimore edition:

  Alecto edition:

Distribution map of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

List of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

Holder 1066

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Berkshire 21,11 West Lockinge Siuuardus Siward Barn Edward, king Henry de Ferrers Hubert de Courson 10.00 10.00 8.00 -
Berkshire 21,18 Stanford in the Vale Siuuardus Siward Barn Edward, king Henry de Ferrers - 40.00 30.00 20.50 -
Berkshire 21,5 Greenham Seuuard Siward Barn Edward, king Henry de Ferrers - 5.00 8.00 6.00 -
Berkshire 34,2 Maidenhead Siward brother of Sæwulf, man of Earl Harold Siward brother of Sæwulf - Giles brother of Ansculf Landric 'of Maidenhead' 1.50 1.50 1.00 -
Berkshire 34,2 Maidenhead Siuuardus Siward brother of Sæwulf - Giles brother of Ansculf Hugh Landric 1.50 1.50 1.00 -
Berkshire 38,4 Whatcombe Seuuardus Siward 'of Whatcombe' Edward, king Geoffrey de Mandeville - 2.00 1.50 1.00 -
Buckinghamshire 12,13 Burston Siuuardus Siward brother of Sæwulf Harold, earl Robert, count of Mortain Almær 'of Hardwick' 0.25 0.25 0.25 -
Buckinghamshire 12,4 Amersham Siuuard Siward, the man of Ealdgifu Ealdgifu Robert, count of Mortain Almær 'of Hardwick' 0.50 1.00 1.00 -
Buckinghamshire 51,1 Datchet Siuuardus Siward brother of Sæwulf Harold, earl Giles brother of Ansculf - 6.75 6.00 3.00 -
Buckinghamshire 51,2 Boveney Siuuard Siward brother of Sæwulf Harold, earl Giles brother of Ansculf Gerard 'of Boveney' 3.00 3.00 1.00 -
Cambridgeshire 3,1 Hinxton Siuuardus Siward 'of Childerley' Harold, earl Remigius, bishop of Lincoln Robert 'of Hinxton' 2.00 4.00 2.00 -
Cambridgeshire 32,22 Toft - Siward 'of Toft' Wulfric, abbot of Ely Picot of Cambridge 2 knights 0.55 2.08 1.39 -
Cambridgeshire 32,35 Oakington - Siward 'of Oakington' Wulfric, abbot of Ely Picot of Cambridge Roger brother of Picot 1.58 1.78 1.00 -
Cambridgeshire 3,6 Childerley Siuuardus Siward 'of Childerley' Harold, earl Remigius, bishop of Lincoln Roger, the man of Bishop Remigius 3.00 5.00 2.50 -
Cambridgeshire 43,1 Oakington Siuuardus Siward, the man of earl Waltheof Waltheof, earl unnamed wife of Boselin de Dives - 1.50 3.00 1.50 -
Cheshire 8,24 Buerton Seuuardus Siward 'of Barthomley' - Hugh, earl William Malbank 1.00 1.00 0.25 -
Cheshire 8,30 Barthomley Seuuardus Siward 'of Barthomley' - Hugh, earl William Malbank 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
Cornwall 5,5,7 Wadfast Siuuard Siward 'of Wadfast' - Robert, count of Mortain Hamelin 'of Alwington' 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
Derbyshire 4,1 Markeaton Siuuard Siward, earl - Hugh, earl - 9.50 4.00 3.00 -
Derbyshire 4,2 Kniveton - Siward, earl - Hugh, earl Jocelin Tuschet 1.00 0.00 0.00 -
Derbyshire 6,100 Morley Seuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers - 0.70 0.00 0.00 -
Derbyshire 6,14 Croxall Siuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers Roger de Livet 3.00 3.00 4.00 -
Derbyshire 6,15 Edingale - Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers Roger de Livet 1.00 0.00 0.00 -
Derbyshire 6,17 Catton Siuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers Nigel d'Aubigny 3.00 3.00 3.00 -
Derbyshire 6,5 Brassington Siuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers - 4.00 6.00 3.00 -
Derbyshire 6,54 Great and Little Cubley Siuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers Ralph de Montgomery 2.00 5.00 2.00 -
Derbyshire 6,57 Norbury and Roston Siuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers Henry the steward 3.00 5.00 3.00 -
Derbyshire 6,66 Herdebi Siuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers - 7.19 9.00 7.00 -
Derbyshire 6,69 Breadsall Siuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers Robert 'the man of Henry de Ferrers' 5.00 4.00 4.00 -
Derbyshire 6,70 Morley Siuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers - 0.60 0.00 0.00 -
Derbyshire 6,79 Wormhill and Muchedesuuelle Siuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers - 4.00 0.00 0.00 -
Devon 16,143 Rose Ash Siuuardus Siward 'of Hemington' - Baldwin the sheriff Ansger the man of Baldwin the sheriff 1.25 3.00 5.00 -
Devon 16,144 Creacombe Siuuard Siward 'of Hemington' - Baldwin the sheriff Ansger the man of Baldwin the sheriff 0.17 0.50 0.50 -
Devon 16,148 Rackenford Siuuard Siward 'of Hemington' - Baldwin the sheriff Jocelin Bernwin 0.63 0.50 0.75 -
Devon 16,163 Wolborough Siuuard Siward 'of Hemington' - Baldwin the sheriff Ralph de Bruyère 1.00 1.00 2.00 -
Devon 16,43 Chawleigh Siuuardus Siward 'of Hemington' - Baldwin the sheriff - 3.00 10.00 12.00 -
Devon 16,76 Holcombe Rogus Seuuardus Siward 'of Hemington' - Baldwin the sheriff Rogo 9.00 10.00 6.00 -
Devon 39,1 Willsworthy Siuuardus Siward 'of Willsworthy' - Alfred d'Épaignes, the Breton - 0.25 1.50 1.50 -
Devon 39,21 Peter Tavy Siuuard Siward 'of Willsworthy' - Alfred d'Épaignes, the Breton - 1.00 1.00 3.00 -
Dorset 42,1 Iwerne Courtney Seuuardus Siward 'of Hemington' - Baldwin the sheriff - 8.00 15.00 10.00 -
Essex 10,3 Rettendon Siuuardus Siward of Maldon Wulfric, abbot of Ely Ranulph Peverel - 1.25 1.06 1.25 -
Essex 20,20 Abberton Siuuardus Siward 'of Abberton' - Eustace, count Ralph de Marcy 1.75 3.00 3.00 -
Essex 21,10 Emanuel Wood Siuuardus Siward 'of Emanuel Wood' - Alan, count Hervey d'Épaignes 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
Essex 29,2 Stebbing Siuuardus Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers - 2.25 10.00 12.00 -
Essex 32,30 Fryerning Siuuardus Siward 'of Fryerning' - Robert Gernon - 3.00 1.50 1.00 -
Essex 34,10 Willingale Doe Siuuardus Siward of Maldon - Ranulph Peverel Ravenot 1.38 5.00 10.00 -
Essex 34,11 Woodham Mortimer Siuuardus Siward of Maldon - Ranulph Peverel - 5.00 5.00 5.00 -
Essex 34,12 Maldon Siuuardus Siward of Maldon - Ranulph Peverel - 5.58 12.00 12.00 -
Essex 34,13 Hazeleigh Siuuardus Siward of Maldon - Ranulph Peverel Serlo 'of Essex' 4.50 4.00 4.00 -
Essex 34,18 Debden Siuuardus Siward of Maldon - Ranulph Peverel - 16.50 24.00 30.00 -
Essex 34,19 Amberden Hall Siuuardus Siward of Maldon Wulfric, abbot of Ely Ranulph Peverel - 5.00 12.00 12.00 -
Essex 34,20 Stebbing Siuuardus Siward of Maldon - Ranulph Peverel - 3.25 10.00 16.00 -
Essex 34,23 Down Hall Siuuardus Siward of Maldon - Ranulph Peverel - 14.00 10.00 13.00 -
Essex 34,26 Stansgate Siuuardus Siward of Maldon - Ranulph Peverel Ralph fitzBrian 9.50 10.00 8.00 -
Essex 34,30 Rettendon Siuuardus Siward of Maldon Wulfric, abbot of Ely Ranulph Peverel Ralph fitzBrian 1.25 1.20 1.25 -
Essex 34,31 Maldon Siuuardus Siward of Maldon - Ranulph Peverel - 0.70 0.20 0.25 -
Essex 34,33 St Osyth Siuuardus Siward of Maldon - Ranulph Peverel Turold the man of Ranulph Peverel' 2.50 9.00 8.00 -
Essex 34,36 Tolleshunt dArcy Siuuardus Siward of Maldon - Ranulph Peverel Humphrey fitzAubrey 4.75 5.00 5.00 -
Essex 34,9 Chickney Siuuardus Siward of Maldon Edward, king Ranulph Peverel Warin 'of Chickney' 2.50 5.00 7.00 -
Gloucestershire 37,5 Allaston Siuuardus Siward 'of Allaston; - William fitzNorman - 0.56 0.38 0.75 -
Gloucestershire 41,2 Tetbury Siuuard Siward Barn - Roger d'Ivry - 23.00 30.36 46.00 -
Gloucestershire 48,1 Little Rissington Siuuard Siward Barn - Robert d'Oilly - 10.00 10.00 8.00 -
Gloucestershire 48,2 Upper Turkdean Siuuard Siward Barn - Robert d'Oilly - 5.63 6.00 5.00 -
Gloucestershire 59,1 Lechdale Siuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers - 15.00 20.00 20.00 -
Hampshire 6,16 Micheldever Seuuardus Siward the huntsman Ælfwig, abbot of Winchester New Minster Riwallon, abbot of Winchester New Minster Siward the huntsman 2.00 0.66 1.00 -
Hampshire 69,11 Stratfield Saye Siuuard Siward 'of Stratfield Saye' Edward, king Ælfric Hort - 1.00 0.38 0.25 -
Hampshire NF10,3 Arnewood Siuuardus Siward 'of Arnewood' Tosti, earl William, king - 0.00 0.00 0.20 -
Hampshire NF10,3 Arnewood Siuuardus Siward 'of Arnewood' Tosti, earl Hugh the interpreter - 1.25 1.50 1.50 -
Herefordshire 1,41 Droitwich Siuuardus Siward 'of Hollow Court' - William, king - 0.00 0.00 0.00 -
Herefordshire 1,41 Worcester Siuuardus Siward 'of Hollow Court' - William, king - 0.00 0.00 0.00 -
Herefordshire 1,41 Hollow Court, Worcs. Siuuardus Siward 'of Hollow Court' - William, king - 3.00 4.15 4.15 -
Herefordshire 20,1 Thornbury Siuuard Siward 'of Thornbury' - Alfred d'Épaignes, the Breton - 6.00 6.00 4.50 -
Hertfordshire 15,13 Redbourn Siuuardus Siward 'of Redbourn' Edward, king Robert, count of Mortain Ranulph 'the man of Robert, count of Mortain' 0.50 2.00 0.87 -
Hertfordshire 4,11 Albury Siuuradus Siward 'of Albury' Stigand, archbishop of Canterbury Maurice, bishop of London Ralph 'the man of Maurice, bishop of London' 2.50 8.00 7.00 -
Hertfordshire 42,12 Ayot St Lawrence Siuuard Siward 'of Ayot St Lawrence' Ælfwine of Gotton The reeve of Broadwater Hundred - 0.07 0.00 0.04 -
Huntingdonshire B5 Huntingdon Siuuardus Siward, earl - William, king Judith, countess 0.00 0.00 0.00 -
Huntingdonshire D14 Swineshead Siuuardus Siward, earl - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 -
Kent 4,1 Southfleet - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester Richard fitzGilbert 0.00 0.00 1.00 C
Kent 4,1 Southfleet - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester - 12.00 11.00 20.00 C
Kent 4,10 Cuxton - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester - 5.00 4.50 10.50 C
Kent 4,11 Denton - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester - 4.00 5.00 7.75 C
Kent 4,12 Halling - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester Richard fitzGilbert 0.00 0.00 0.35 C
Kent 4,12 Halling - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester - 12.00 7.00 15.65 C
Kent 4,13 Frindsbury - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester - 20.00 8.00 24.50 C
Kent 4,13 Frindsbury - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester Richard fitzGilbert 0.00 0.00 0.50 C
Kent 4,14 Borstall - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester - 4.00 6.00 10.00 C
Kent 4,15 Rochester - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester - 0.00 3.00 11.67 -
Kent 4,2 Stone - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester - 12.00 13.00 15.25 C
Kent 4,2 Stone - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester Richard fitzGilbert 0.00 0.00 0.75 C
Kent 4,3 Fawkham - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester - 4.00 7.00 8.00 C
Kent 4,4 Longfield - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester Ansketil the priest 'of Longfield' 2.00 3.50 5.00 C
Kent 4,5 Bromley - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester - 12.00 12.50 18.00 C
Kent 4,6 Wouldham - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester - 12.00 8.00 12.00 C
Kent 4,7 West Malling - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester - 6.00 2.00 4.00 C
Kent 4,8 Trottiscliffe - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester - 6.00 3.00 7.00 C
Kent 4,9 Snodland - Siward, bishop of Rochester - Gundulf, bishop of Rochester - 12.00 6.00 9.00 C
Kent 5,12 Lullingstone Seuuart Siward Sot - Odo, bishop of Bayeux Osbern Paisforiere 1.00 3.00 3.85 -
Kent 5,152 Buckland Seuuardus Siward Sot Edward, king Odo, bishop of Bayeux Osbern Paisforiere 1.50 4.00 3.50 -
Kent 5,6 Ridley Siuuard Siward Sot Edward, king Odo, bishop of Bayeux Richard fitzGilbert 0.00 0.00 0.00 -
Kent 5,6 Ridley Siuuard Siward Sot Edward, king Odo, bishop of Bayeux - 2.00 3.00 4.50 -
Leicestershire 41,3 Barkby Siuuardus Siward 'of Barkby' - Adelize de Grandmesnil Leofric 'of Peatling Parva' 1.50 1.50 1.50 -
Lincolnshire 12,37 Welton le Wold Siuuard Siward 'of Welton le Wold' - Alan, count Landric the man of count Alan 1.00 4.00 3.00 -
Lincolnshire 12,38 North Thoresby - Siward 'of Welton le Wold' - Alan, count - 1.19 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 12,39 Brigsley - Siward 'of Welton le Wold' - Alan, count - 1.50 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 12,92 North Hykeham Siuuard Siward 'of Welton le Wold' - Alan, count Colgrim 'of Ewerby' 4.00 1.00 1.00 -
Lincolnshire 14,15 Croxby Siuuard Siward 'of Saxby' - Ivo Taillebois Odo the crossbowman 0.63 1.50 2.00 -
Lincolnshire 14,30 Saxby All Saints Siuuardus Siward 'of Saxby' - Ivo Taillebois Roger 'the man of Ivo Taillebois' 2.00 2.00 1.25 -
Lincolnshire 14,31 Killingholme North and South Siuuardus Siward 'of Saxby' - Ivo Taillebois Odo the crossbowman 0.96 1.70 1.50 -
Lincolnshire 14,34 Irby upon Humber Seuuard Siward 'of Saxby' - Ivo Taillebois Odo the crossbowman 1.00 0.50 1.00 -
Lincolnshire 14,35 Holton le Moor - Siward 'of Saxby' - Ivo Taillebois Odo the crossbowman 1.00 0.80 0.75 -
Lincolnshire 14,36 Waithe - Siward 'of Saxby' - Ivo Taillebois - 0.25 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 14,59 Benniworth Siuuard Siward 'of Saxby' - Ivo Taillebois Odo the crossbowman 1.75 2.00 2.50 -
Lincolnshire 14,9 Claxby Siuuard Siward 'of Saxby' - Ivo Taillebois Hugh 'the man of Ivo Taillebois' 0.38 0.27 1.09 -
Lincolnshire 16,36 South Cadeby Siuuard Siward, father of Aki - Roger the Poitevin - 0.28 0.75 0.75 -
Lincolnshire 16,37 East Wykeham - Siward, father of Aki - Roger the Poitevin - 0.03 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 1,7 Coleby near Boothby Graffoe Siuuard Siward 'of Coleby' - William, king - 7.00 4.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 1,8 Coleby near Boothby Graffoe - Siward 'of Coleby' - William, king - 12.00 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 21,1 Whitton Seubar Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers Saswalo 12.00 10.00 7.00 -
Lincolnshire 21,2 Winterton - Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers - 0.25 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 22,16 Stainfield near Lincoln Siuuardus Siward 'of Ludford' - William de Percy - 1.50 1.50 3.00 -
Lincolnshire 22,22 Ludford Siuuard Siward 'of Ludford' - William de Percy - 1.50 2.00 2.00 -
Lincolnshire 2,38 Easton Siuuard Siward 'of Easton' - Thomas, archbishop of York Osbern the priest 3.00 2.00 2.00 -
Lincolnshire 24,72 West Ashby Siuuard Siward, father of Aki - Gilbert of Ghent Roger 'the man of Gilbert of Ghent' 1.50 1.50 2.00 -
Lincolnshire 24,73 Driby Siuuard Siward, father of Aki - Gilbert of Ghent - 5.50 6.00 5.00 -
Lincolnshire 25,3 Limber Great or Little Siuuard Siward 'of Limber' - Hugh fitzBaldric - 1.25 2.50 2.50 -
Lincolnshire 25,4 Cabourne - Siward 'of Limber' - Hugh fitzBaldric - 0.03 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 25,6 Croxton Siuuardus Siward 'of Limber' - Hugh fitzBaldric - 1.25 2.00 2.00 -
Lincolnshire 25,7 Stallingborough Siuuard Siward 'of Limber' - Hugh fitzBaldric - 0.30 0.50 0.50 -
Lincolnshire 27,1 Goxhill Siuuardus Siward 'of Thistleton' - Alfred of Lincoln Ralph 'the man of Alfred of Lincoln' 1.25 1.50 2.00 -
Lincolnshire 27,19 Stixwould Siuuard Siward 'of Thistleton' - Alfred of Lincoln Siward 'of Stixwould' 0.75 0.50 0.50 -
Lincolnshire 27,42 Elsthorpe Siuuard Siward 'of Thistleton' - Alfred of Lincoln - 2.00 1.50 2.00 -
Lincolnshire 27,43 Stainby Siuuardus Siward 'of Thistleton' - Alfred of Lincoln - 6.00 1.00 2.00 -
Lincolnshire 27,47 South Witham Siuuardus Siward 'of Thistleton' - Alfred of Lincoln Gleu 4.00 2.00 2.50 -
Lincolnshire 27,48 Thistleton Siuuard Siward 'of Thistleton' - Alfred of Lincoln Gleu 0.50 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 27,49 Thistleton - Siward 'of Thistleton' - Alfred of Lincoln - 1.00 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 27,61 Huttoft Siuuard Siward 'of Thistleton' - Alfred of Lincoln Bernard 'the man of Alfred of Lincoln' 0.13 0.30 0.27 -
Lincolnshire 27,62 Theddlethorpe All Saints OR St Helen - Siward 'of Thistleton' - Alfred of Lincoln - 0.50 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 27,63 Habrough - Siward 'of Thistleton' - Alfred of Lincoln - 0.13 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 27,64 Brocklesby - Siward 'of Thistleton' Edward, king Alfred of Lincoln - 0.00 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 30,5 Barrow upon Humber Siuuard Siward 'of Barrow upon Humber' - Drew de la Beuvrière Theobald 'of Barrow upon Humber' 1.00 1.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 31,10 Ingoldsby Siuuard Siward 'of Gonerby' - Walter d'Ancourt - 4.30 0.50 0.15 -
Lincolnshire 31,2 Gonerby Siuuard Siward 'of Gonerby' - Walter d'Ancourt - 0.75 1.00 1.00 -
Lincolnshire 3,2 Snarlford Siuuard Siward, father of Aki - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Colswein 'of Lincoln' 2.25 1.00 1.50 -
Lincolnshire 34,2 Ulceby near Wootton Siuuard Siward 'of Ulceby' - Erneis de Buron - 2.00 2.50 4.00 -
Lincolnshire 3,53 Fulletby Siuuard Siward, father of Aki - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 1.88 2.00 2.50 -
Lincolnshire 3,54 Oxcombe and Worlaby near Tetford - Siward, father of Aki - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.75 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 3,55 Threekingham - Siward, father of Aki - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.31 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 38,12 Tathwell Siuuard Siward, father of Aki - Robert the bursar - 1.00 2.00 2.00 -
Lincolnshire 38,3 Scrivelsby Siuuard Siward, father of Aki - Robert the bursar - 7.63 12.00 14.00 -
Lincolnshire 38,4 Coningsby - Siward, father of Aki - Robert the bursar - 1.13 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 38,5 Wilksby - Siward, father of Aki - Robert the bursar - 1.50 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 38,6 Mareham on the Hill - Siward, father of Aki - Robert the bursar - 0.13 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 38,7 Wood Enderby Siuuard Siward, father of Aki - Robert the bursar - 0.07 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 44,1 Cammeringham Siuuard Siward 'of Cammeringham' - Durand Malet - 0.50 0.50 0.25 -
Lincolnshire 4,81 Owmby-by-Spital Siuuard Siward 'of Owmby-by-Spital' - Odo, bishop of Bayeux Wadard 0.31 0.40 0.52 -
Lincolnshire 49,4 Withcall Siuuard Siward, father of Aki - William Blund - 1.00 0.50 0.50 -
Lincolnshire 51,12 Wilsford Siuuard Siward 'of Wilsford' - Godfrey de Cambrai - 8.25 3.67 4.58 -
Lincolnshire 59,12 South Rauceby Siuuard Siwrard 'of South Rauceby' - Robert of Stafford Edelo 'of Rauceby' 2.44 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 63,7 Haxey Siuuard Siward Barn - Geoffrey de La Guerche Wazelin 'of Haxey' 3.00 5.00 5.00 -
Lincolnshire 68,14 Sutton le Marsh Siuuard Siward 'of Sutton le Marsh' - Ketilbern 'of Keal' - 0.13 0.20 0.25 -
Lincolnshire 68,46 Osgodby near West Rasen Sumerlede Siward the priest - Siward the priest - 0.13 0.20 0.10 -
Lincolnshire C14 Lincoln Siuuard Siward the priest - William, king Onlaf the priest, lawman 0.50 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire C2 Lincoln Siuuard Siward the priest - William, king Onlaf the priest 0.00 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire C7 Lincoln Siuuard Siward the priest - William, king Gilbert of Ghent 0.00 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire CK29 North Hykeham Siuuardus Siward 'of Hykeham' - - - 4.00 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire CS15 Mablethorpe Siuuardus Siward 'of Mablethorpe' Harold, earl William Blund - 0.13 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire CS27 Benniworth Siuuard Siward 'of Saxby' - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire CW14 Northorpe Siuuardus Siward the red - Turold, abbot of Peterborough Ralph de Neville 1.00 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire CW17 Amcotts Siuuard Siward Barn - - - 0.38 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire T5 - Siuuard Siward Barn - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 -
Norfolk 19,18 Sheringham - Siward Barn - William d'Écouis - 0.13 0.20 0.20 -
Norfolk 19,18 Sheringham Seiardus Siward Barn - William d'Écouis - 3.00 4.00 4.00 -
Norfolk 19,19 Salthouse Seiar Siward Barn - William d'Écouis - 3.00 2.00 2.00 -
Northamptonshire 18,81 Irchester Siuuardus Siward 'of Irchester' - Robert, count of Mortain Robert Fafiton 0.63 0.10 0.40 -
Northamptonshire 18,86 Holdenby Siuuardus Siward 'of Holdenby' - Robert, count of Mortain Ralph 'the man of Robert, count of Mortain (in the East Midlands)' 0.25 0.10 0.20 -
Northamptonshire 18,92 Holdenby Siuuard Siward 'of Holdenby' - Robert, count of Mortain Ordmær 'of Holdenby' 1.75 1.00 2.00 -
Northamptonshire 43,1 Weedon Lois Siuuard Siward 'of Wappenham' - Giles brother of Ansculf - 1.50 1.00 1.50 -
Northamptonshire 43,3 Silverstone Siuuardus Siward 'of Wappenham' - Giles brother of Ansculf Godwine 'of Silverstone' 0.50 0.10 0.25 -
Northamptonshire 43,4 Wappenham Siuuard Siward 'of Wappenham' - Giles brother of Ansculf - 1.00 2.50 2.00 -
Northamptonshire 54,2 Wicken Siuuard Siward 'of Wicken' - Mainou the Breton - 0.75 2.00 2.00 -
Nottinghamshire 10,44 Watnall Siuuart Siward 'of Watnall' - William Peverel Jocelin 'of Watnall' 0.25 0.29 0.29 -
Nottinghamshire 24,1 East and West Leake Siuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers - 2.00 6.00 7.00 -
Nottinghamshire 24,2 Bonnington Siuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers - 0.19 0.30 0.30 -
Nottinghamshire 30,7 North Muskham Siuuard Siward 'of North Muskham' - Siward 'of North Muskham' - 0.38 2.00 0.80 -
Nottinghamshire S5 - Siuuard Siward Barn - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 -
Oxfordshire 33,2 Godington Siuuard Siward 'of Godington' - Richard Puignant William 'the man of Richard Puignant' 3.50 2.50 2.50 -
Oxfordshire 58,23 Chadlington Siwardus Siward 'of Chadlington' - Siward 'of Chadlington' - 2.50 2.00 2.00 -
Oxfordshire 9,4 Sandford Siuuardus Siward 'of Sandford' Ordric, abbot of Abingdon Reynold, abbot of Abingdon Robert d'Oilly 0.50 0.38 0.50 -
Oxfordshire 9,4 Sandford Siuuardus Siward 'of Sandford' Ordric, abbot of Abingdon Reynold, abbot of Abingdon Roger d'Ivry 0.50 0.38 0.50 -
Rutland 2a,9 Thistleton Siuuard Siward of Thistleton (Rutland) - Alfred of Lincoln - 0.50 1.00 3.00 -
Shropshire 4,1,34 Overs Seuuard Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl - 0.50 0.20 0.15 -
Shropshire 4,1,35 Goseford Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl - 1.00 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,1,35 Edenhope Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl - 0.33 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,1,35 Aston Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl - 0.67 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,1,35 Stantune Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl - 2.33 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,1,35 Castlewright Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl - 0.67 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,1,35 Mellington Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl - 1.00 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,1,35 Hopton Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl - 0.67 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,1,35 Benehale Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl - 2.33 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,1,35 Dudston Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl - 0.33 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,1,35 Pen y Lan Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl - 1.00 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,1,35 Hockleton Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl - 0.17 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,1,35 Walcot Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl - 0.33 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,1,35 Trelystan Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl - 1.00 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,1,36 Weston Madoc Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl Roger fitzCorbet 1.00 0.00 0.42 -
Shropshire 4,1,36 Horsewall Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl Roger fitzCorbet 0.17 0.00 0.07 -
Shropshire 4,1,36 The Gaer Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl Roger fitzCorbet 0.33 0.00 0.14 -
Shropshire 4,1,36 Hem Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl Roger fitzCorbet 1.00 0.00 0.42 -
Shropshire 4,1,36 Edderton Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl Roger fitzCorbet 0.33 0.00 0.14 -
Shropshire 4,1,36 Forden Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl Roger fitzCorbet 0.17 0.00 0.07 -
Shropshire 4,1,36 Wropton Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl Roger fitzCorbet 0.33 0.00 0.14 -
Shropshire 4,1,36 Ackley Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl Æthelweard 'of Ackley' 0.33 0.00 0.14 -
Shropshire 4,1,36 Starcote Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king Roger, earl Roger fitzCorbet 0.33 0.00 0.14 -
Shropshire 4,16,1 Grinshill Seuuard Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Walkelin 'of Faintree' 0.50 0.40 0.09 -
Shropshire 4,21,18 Bouldon Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Helgot de Fourches 1.00 0.20 0.38 -
Shropshire 4,21,4 Oxenbold Siuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Helgot de Fourches 0.50 0.30 0.20 -
Shropshire 4,27,11 Frodesley Siward Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar 1.00 0.50 0.40 -
Shropshire 4,27,14 Overs Seward Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar 0.50 0.20 0.15 -
Shropshire 4,27,16 Eyton Siuuard Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Alric 'of Eyton' 0.38 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,27,24 Rhiston Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Alweard son of Æthelmund 3.00 0.50 0.60 -
Shropshire 4,27,25 Churchstoke Siuuard Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Alweard son of Æthelmund 5.00 0.50 0.27 -
Shropshire 4,27,31 Halston? and Burtone Seuuard Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Matauc the man of Earl Roger 2.00 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,27,32 Cheney Longville Siward Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar 1.50 1.00 0.25 -
Shropshire 4,28,3 Fenemere Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl - 0.50 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,3,1 Marchamley Seuuar Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Reynold de Bailleul 2.75 2.50 1.16 -
Shropshire 4,3,23 Childs Ercall Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Reynold de Bailleul 3.00 2.20 3.00 -
Shropshire 4,3,24 Upton Magna Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Reynold de Bailleul 5.00 10.00 7.00 -
Shropshire 4,3,33 Weston Rhyn Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Reynold de Bailleul 5.00 0.50 0.50 -
Shropshire 4,3,34 Morton and Aitone Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Reynold de Bailleul 5.00 0.30 0.27 -
Shropshire 4,3,38 Weston Coton Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Reynold de Bailleul 1.00 0.50 0.50 -
Shropshire 4,3,41 West Felton Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Reynold de Bailleul 0.50 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,3,43 Osbaston and Kynaston Seuuard Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Reynold de Bailleul 1.00 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,3,51 Albright Hussey Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Reynold de Bailleul 2.00 0.80 0.75 -
Shropshire 4,3,52 Ness Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Reynold de Bailleul 3.00 3.00 4.50 -
Shropshire 4,3,53 Myddle Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Reynold de Bailleul 8.00 6.00 3.50 -
Shropshire 4,3,57 Albright Hussey Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Reynold de Bailleul 2.00 0.70 1.25 -
Shropshire 4,3,59 Acton Reynald Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Reynold de Bailleul 3.00 4.00 0.50 -
Shropshire 4,4,22 Leighton Seuuard Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Roger fitzCorbet 1.00 0.20 0.25 -
Shropshire 4,4,5 Winsley Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Roger fitzCorbet 2.00 0.80 0.75 -
Shropshire 4,4,8 Bausley Siuuard Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Roger fitzCorbet 1.00 0.10 0.10 -
Shropshire 4,5,2 Ratlinghope Seuuard Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Robert fitzCorbet 2.00 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,5,5 Brompton Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Robert fitzCorbet 0.50 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 4,6,1 Walford Seuuard Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Robert the butler 2.00 0.80 1.00 -
Shropshire 5,8 Neen Sollars Siuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Osbern fitzRichard Siward 'of Milson' 0.00 2.00 0.90 -
Shropshire 5,9 Milson Siuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Osbern fitzRichard Siward 'of Milson' 3.50 0.70 0.50 -
Shropshire 6,1 Coreley Siuuard Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Ralph de Mortimer - 2.00 2.40 0.50 -
Shropshire 6,18 Letton Seuuard Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Ralph de Mortimer Ingelran 'of Neen Savage' 1.50 0.20 0.50 -
Shropshire 7,1 Cleobury North Seuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger de Lacy Wulfweard 'of Cleobury North' 2.50 0.60 1.00 -
Shropshire 7,2 Earls Ditton - Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger de Lacy - 1.00 0.00 0.00 -
Shropshire 7,3 Hopton Wafers Siuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger de Lacy Widard 'of Rochford' 3.00 0.50 0.46 -
Shropshire 7,4 Stanton Lacy Siuuard Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger de Lacy - 20.50 24.00 25.00 -
Shropshire 7,6 Aldon Siuuard Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger de Lacy - 2.50 5.20 8.00 -
Somerset 20,1 Hemington Siuuardus Siward 'of Hemington' - Baldwin the sheriff - 21.00 19.00 19.00 -
Somerset 21,34 Stringston Siuuard Siward 'of Hemington' - Roger de Courseulles William 'the man of Roger de Courseulles' 0.38 0.40 0.40 -
Somerset 47,11 Adber Siuuardus Siward Hundran - Siward Hundran - 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
Somerset 5,64 Kingston Seymour - Siward 'of Kingston Seymour' - Geoffrey, bishop of Coutances William de Monceaux 1.00 0.67 0.67 -
Somerset 8,36 Dinnington - Siward 'of Dinnington' - Thurstan, abbot of Glastonbury Siward 'of Dinnington' 0.75 0.00 0.66 -
Staffordshire 11,15 Standon Siuuardus Siward 'of Standon' - Robert of Stafford Brian 'of Rauceby' 2.00 2.00 2.00 -
Suffolk 16,39 Pettaugh Siwardus Siward 'of Pettaugh' Wulfric, abbot of Ely Odo, bishop of Bayeux Warenger 'of Hedingham' 0.04 0.10 0.10 -
Suffolk 34,1 Icklingham Sewardus Siward of Maldon Edward, king Ranulph Peverel - 3.00 4.00 5.00 -
Suffolk 34,2 Acton Sewardus Siward of Maldon - Ranulph Peverel - 12.00 20.00 30.00 -
Suffolk 34,3 Assington Sewardus Siward of Maldon - Ranulph Peverel - 8.00 10.00 20.00 -
Suffolk 3,79 Hintlesham Su Wart Siward 'of Hintlesham' Stigand, archbishop of Canterbury Alan, count Ralph 'of Hintlesham' 1.00 2.00 2.00 -
Suffolk 3,80 Canapetuna Su Wart Siward 'of Hintlesham' - Alan, count - 0.25 0.00 0.00 -
Sussex 9,7 Ashburnham Seuuardus Siward 'of Ashburnham' Edward, king Robert, count of Eu Robert de Criel 2.50 6.00 9.00 -
Warwickshire 19,1 Grendon Siuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers Thurstan 'of Grendon' 5.50 2.00 2.00 -
Warwickshire 19,2 Burton Hastings Siuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers Ralph 'of Bagpuize' 4.00 4.00 2.00 -
Warwickshire 19,3 Harbury Siuuard Siward Barn - Henry de Ferrers Wazelin 'of Harbury', the man of Henry de Ferrers 2.00 2.00 4.00 -
Wiltshire 21,3 Poulton Siuuardus Siward Barn - Roger, earl - 5.00 12.00 16.00 -
Wiltshire 28,10 Chedglow Siuuardus Siward 'of Chedglow' - Durand of Gloucester - 0.13 0.00 0.00 -
Worcestershire X2 Feckenham - Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar Edward, king William, king - 3.00 0.00 0.00 -
Worcestershire X2 Hollow Court - Siward 'of Hollow Court' Edward, king William, king - 0.00 0.00 0.00 -
Yorkshire 10W2 Wadworth Seuuard Siward 'of Wadworth' - Roger de Bully - 6.00 4.00 2.50 -
Yorkshire 10W3 Dadsley, Stainton near Tickhill and Hellaby Seuuard Siward 'of Wadworth' - Roger de Bully - 4.00 6.00 7.00 -
Yorkshire 10W5 Stainton Seuuard Siward 'of Wadworth' - Roger de Bully - 2.50 1.00 0.80 -
Yorkshire 14E19 Holmpton Siuuard Siward 'of Holmpton' - Drew de la Beuvrière Walter 'the man of Drew de la Beuvrière' 1.33 1.33 0.17 -
Yorkshire 14E26 Barmston Siuuard Siward 'of Barmston' - Drew de la Beuvrière - 2.00 0.75 0.00 -
Yorkshire 17W1 Adlingfleet Siuuardbar Siward Barn - Geoffrey de La Guerche - 6.00 4.00 1.50 -
Yorkshire 1E5 Old Sunderlandwick Siuuard Siward 'of Old Sunderlandwick' - William, king - 0.75 0.18 0.18 -
Yorkshire 1N36 Great Broughton Siuuard Siward 'of Great Broughton' - William, king - 4.00 0.50 0.00 -
Yorkshire 1N63 Wykeham in Malton Siuuard Siward 'of Old Malton' - William, king - 1.00 0.00 0.00 -
Yorkshire 1N65 Old Malton Siuuard Siward 'of Old Malton' - William, king - 4.00 0.50 0.25 -
Yorkshire 1W21 Goldthorpe Siuuard Siward 'of Goldthorpe' - William, king - 1.25 1.00 1.00 -
Yorkshire 29E17 Kirby Underdale Siuuard Siward 'of Kirby Underdale' - Siward 'of Kirby Underdale' - 1.00 0.10 0.06 -
Yorkshire 29E29 Acklam Siuuard Siward 'of Kirby Underdale' - 2 king's thegns - 10.50 0.50 0.50 -
Yorkshire 29N13 Huby Siuuard Siward 'of Huby' - - - 1.00 0.10 0.07 -
Yorkshire 4N1 Whitby and Sneaton Siuuardus Siward, earl - Hugh, earl William de Percy 15.00 112.00 3.00 -
Yorkshire 4N2 South Loftus Siuuardus Siward, earl - Hugh, earl - 4.00 48.00 0.00 -
Yorkshire 4N3 Acklam in Middlesborough and Barwick Siuuardus Siward, earl - Hugh, earl Hugh fitzNorman 11.00 48.00 2.00 -
Yorkshire 5E2 Anlaby Siuuard Siward 'of Kirk Ella' - Robert, count of Mortain - 0.31 0.00 0.00 -
Yorkshire 5E23 Kirk Ella Siuuard Siward 'of Kirk Ella' - Robert, count of Mortain Nigel Fossard 2.00 0.00 0.00 -
Yorkshire 5E3 North Ferriby Siuuard Siward 'of Kirk Ella' - Robert, count of Mortain Nigel Fossard 0.50 0.00 0.00 -
Yorkshire 5E36 Raventhorpe Siuuard Siward 'of Kirk Ella' - Robert, count of Mortain Nigel Fossard 1.31 0.55 0.38 -
Yorkshire 5N6 Ellerby Siuuard Siward 'of Ellerby' - Robert, count of Mortain Nigel Fossard 3.00 1.00 0.00 -
Yorkshire 6N30 Kirby Wiske Siuuard Siward 'of Warlaby' - Alan, count Picot of Lascelles 1.60 0.10 0.00 -
Yorkshire 6N35 Warlaby Siuuard Siward 'of Warlaby' - Alan, count Hervey 'of Warlaby' 4.00 0.70 0.19 -
Yorkshire 9W63 North Elmsall Siuuard Siward 'of North Elmshall' - Ilbert de Lacy Alric 'of Cawthorne' 4.00 1.50 0.50 -
Yorkshire 9W66 Hemsworth Siuuardus Siward 'of North Elmshall' - Ilbert de Lacy Gamel son of Barth 2.00 1.50 0.50 -
Yorkshire CE49 Holmpton Siuuard Siward 'of Holmpton' - Drew de la Beuvrière - 2.67 0.00 0.00 -
Yorkshire CW18 Wadworth Siuuardus Siward 'of Wadworth' - - - 1.75 0.00 0.00 -
Yorkshire CW18 Stancil Siuuardus Siward 'of Wadworth' - - - 1.00 0.00 0.00 -
Yorkshire CW7 Clifton Siuuardus Siward 'of Wadworth' - William de Warenne - 2.00 0.00 0.00 -

Tenant-in-Chief 1086 demesne estates (no subtenants)

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Lincolnshire 68,38 Winterton Seuardus Grimbald Crac - Siward the priest - 0.69 1.20 0.38 -
Lincolnshire 68,38 Winterton Seuardus Fulcric 'of Winterton' - Siward the priest - 0.69 1.20 0.38 -
Lincolnshire 68,42 Owersby North or South Siuardus Earnwine the priest - Siward the priest - 0.50 2.00 0.50 -
Lincolnshire 68,43 Osgodby near West Rasen - Abba 'of Osgodby' - Siward the priest - 0.31 0.50 0.15 -
Lincolnshire 68,44 Cuxwold - Stenkil 'of Cuxwold' - Siward the priest - 0.75 1.00 0.25 -
Lincolnshire 68,46 Osgodby near West Rasen - Siward the priest - Siward the priest - 0.13 0.20 0.10 -
Lincolnshire CN16 Owersby Siuuardus Earnwine the priest - Siward the priest - 0.50 0.00 0.00 -
Nottinghamshire 30,17 Sutton Siuuard Leofweard 'of Sutton' - Siward 'of Sutton' - 0.38 0.00 0.00 -
Nottinghamshire 30,7 North Muskham Siuuard Siward 'of North Muskham' - Siward 'of North Muskham' - 0.38 2.00 0.80 -
Oxfordshire 58,23 Chadlington Siwardus Siward 'of Chadlington' - Siward 'of Chadlington' - 2.50 2.00 2.00 -
Somerset 47,10 Dinnington Siuuardus Eadmær Ator - Siward Hundran - 3.00 1.00 2.00 -
Somerset 47,11 Adber Siuuardus Siward Hundran - Siward Hundran - 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
Somerset 47,2 Seavington Siward - - Siward Hundran - 3.00 3.00 3.00 -
Suffolk 74,3 Battisford Siuuardus Durand 'of Battisford' - Siward 'of Battisford' - 0.25 0.00 0.00 -
Yorkshire 29E17 Kirby Underdale Siuuard Siward 'of Kirby Underdale' - Siward 'of Kirby Underdale' - 1.00 0.10 0.06 -

Lord 1066

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Buckinghamshire 14,18 Burston Siuuardus Alwynn 'of Burston' Siward brother of Sæwulf Walter Giffard Thurstan fitzRolf 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
Buckinghamshire 35,3 Burston Siuuardus Alwynn 'of Burston' Siward brother of Sæwulf Thurstan fitzRolf Reynold 'the man of Thurstan fitzRolf' 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
Essex 10,3 Rettendon - Leofsunu 'of Mose' Siward of Maldon Simeon, abbot of Ely - 2.25 1.91 2.25 -
Lincolnshire 16,38 Welton le Wold - - Siward, father of Aki Roger the Poitevin - 0.25 0.00 0.00 -
Lincolnshire 1,7 Coleby near Boothby Graffoe - 10 sokemen Siward 'of Coleby' William, king - 0.00 0.00 0.00 -
Norfolk 1,149 East Beckham Seiardus 1 sokeman Siward Barn William, king - 0.01 0.00 0.00 -
Norfolk 1,149 East Beckham Seiardus 1 free man Siward Barn William, king - 0.25 0.00 0.00 -
Norfolk 19,18 Sheringham Seiardus 1 sokeman Siward Barn William d'Écouis - 0.10 0.00 0.00 -
Nottinghamshire 10,45 Watnall - Grim 'of Watnall' Siward 'of Watnall' William Peverel Jocelin 'of Watnall' 0.25 0.29 0.29 -
Nottinghamshire 10,50 Hempshill - - Siward 'of Watnall' William Peverel - 0.41 0.00 0.00 -
Suffolk 12,5 Kentwell Sewardus Ælfgar 'of Kentwell' Siward of Maldon Frodo brother of Abbot Baldwin - 2.00 2.00 4.00 -
Suffolk 34,3 Assington Sewardus 5 free men Siward of Maldon Ranulph Peverel - 0.25 0.00 0.00 -
Suffolk 34,4 Glemsford Siwardus Blæcwine the man of Siward Siward of Maldon Ranulph Peverel Warin 'of Great Melton' 0.25 0.30 0.30 -

Subtenant in 1086

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Essex B3a Colchester Siuuardus - - William, king Siward the priest, burgess 0.03 0.00 0.00 -
Essex B3a Colchester Siuuardus - - William, king Siward, burgess of Colchester 0.05 0.00 0.00 -
Hampshire 6,16 Micheldever Seuuardus Siward the huntsman Ælfwig, abbot of Winchester New Minster Riwallon, abbot of Winchester New Minster Siward the huntsman 2.00 0.66 1.00 -
Hertfordshire 33,6 Wallington Siuuard Eadræd 'of Wallington' Esgar the staller Geoffrey de Mandeville Siward 'of Wallington' 0.25 0.50 0.25 -
Hertfordshire 37,4 Wallington Siuuardus Wulfweard 'of Wallington' Eskil of Ware Hardwin de Scales Siward 'of Wallington' 1.72 1.50 1.25 -
Lincolnshire 27,19 Stixwould Siuuard Siward 'of Thistleton' - Alfred of Lincoln Siward 'of Stixwould' 0.75 0.50 0.50 -
Northamptonshire 6a,28 Woodford Siuuard Leofric, abbot of Peterborough, Burton, Thorney, and Coventry - Turold, abbot of Peterborough Siward'of Woodford' 3.00 0.00 0.00 -
Oxfordshire 14,2 Cutteslowe Siuuardus unnamed canons of Oxford - unnamed canons of Oxford Siward 'of Cutteslowe' 2.00 2.00 2.00 -
Shropshire 4,27,11 Frodesley Siward Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar 1.00 0.50 0.40 -
Shropshire 4,27,14 Overs Seward Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar 0.50 0.20 0.15 -
Shropshire 4,27,32 Cheney Longville Siward Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Roger, earl Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar 1.50 1.00 0.25 -
Shropshire 5,8 Neen Sollars Siuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Osbern fitzRichard Siward 'of Milson' 0.00 2.00 0.90 -
Shropshire 5,9 Milson Siuuardus Siward the fat, son of Æthelgar - Osbern fitzRichard Siward 'of Milson' 3.50 0.70 0.50 -
Somerset 8,36 Dinnington Siuuardus Siward 'of Dinnington' - Thurstan, abbot of Glastonbury Siward 'of Dinnington' 0.75 0.00 0.66 -
Surrey 19,13 Orde Siuuardus Osweald, king's thegn Edward, king Richard fitzGilbert Siward 'of Orde' 0.50 1.50 1.00 -
Sussex 11,115 Boxgrove Siuuardus Sigeræd 'of Newtimber' - Roger, earl Siward 'Boxgrove' 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
Wiltshire 26,18 Somerford Siuuard Alnoth 'of Somerford' - Alfred of Marlborough Siward 'of Somerford' 3.20 2.00 2.00 -
Wiltshire 28,10 Chedglow Siuuardus 2 thegns - Miles Crispin Siward 'of Chedglow' 1.38 0.50 0.50 -
Worcestershire 2,33 Croome Siuuardus Sigref 'of Croome d'Abitot' Wulfstan, bishop of Worcester Wulfstan, bishop of Worcester Siward 'of Croome' 5.00 2.00 2.00 -

Sub-subtenant in 1086

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Shropshire 4,8,9 Waters Upton Seuuardus Gamel 'of Waters Upton' - Roger, earl Roger de Lacy 3.00 2.00 1.51 -

People of this name