Ottar 8

Ottar ‘of Ford’ (Devon), fl. 1066
4 of 5


Ottar 7
Ottar 9


Ottar 8 held four estates in south Devon TRE assessed at 2¼ hides and with a value of 40s.

Distribution map of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

List of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

Holder 1066

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Devon 17,26 Loventor Otre Ottar 'of Ford' - Judhael of Totnes Ralph de La Pommeraye 0.50 0.25 0.50 B
Devon 17,28 Lupton Otre Ottar 'of Ford' - Judhael of Totnes Ralph de La Pommeraye 0.25 0.25 0.50 B
Devon 17,56 Ford Otre Ottar 'of Ford' - Judhael of Totnes Ralph de La Pommeraye 1.00 0.50 0.50 C
Devon 19,10 Haccombe Otre Ottar 'of Ford' - William Chevre Robert 'the man of William Chevre' 0.50 1.00 1.50 D


Two of Ottar 8’s estates were at Loventor and Lupton in the hills and valleys of south Devon, the former lying on a tributary of the River Hems, itself a tributary of the River Dart, and the latter being on the peninsula between the Dart estuary and Tor Bay. They were about 6 miles apart, both passed to a subtenant of Judhael of Totnes (Judhael 1) that Exon (320b2, 320b4) identifies as Ralph de la Pommeraye (Ralph 29); and, given the relative rarity of the name Ottar, it is very probable that Ottar 8 held both of them TRE. 

Another and slightly larger estate of 1 hide, at Ford on a minor tributary of the Kingsbridge Estuary and about 11½ miles to the south-west of Lupton, also passed to a subtenant of Iudichael called Ralph; and, although neither DB nor Exon identify him as Ralph de la Pommeraye in this instance it is reasonable to presume that Ford too had probably been held TRE by Ottar 8.

The attribution of Ottar’s fourth estate is slightly less straightforward. It was one of two estates called Hacome in DB and can be identified as what is now Netherton, in the lower part of the small valley between Haccombe and the Teign Estuary and about 6 miles north-north-east of Loventor (Thorn & Thorn 1985: DB 19,10 Notes). This is close enough for it to have also been held by Ottar 8 TRE yet it had passed to William Chevre (William ) by 1086. However, William was the brother of Ralph de la Pommeraye, Iudichael’s subtenant on at least two of Ottar 8’s former estates, and William and Ralph often shared lands between them (ibid.: Ch19 Notes). On balance, it is more likely than not that this Hacome was held TRE by Ottar 8.

A minute holding held TRE by Ottar 10 was probably more than 20 miles from the nearest estates of Ottar 8, and passed to Robert, count of Mortain (Robert 9) after the Conquest. Although the personal name Ottar was rare, it is highly unlikely that Ottar 10 was the same person as Ottar 8.


C. Thorn and F. Thorn, eds., Domesday Book 9: Devon (Chichester, 1985), DB Ch19 Notes; 19,10 Notes.