Wihtnoth 5

Wihtnoth ‘of Milton’ (Dors.), fl. 1066
4 of 5


Wihtnoth 4


Wihtnoth 5 held an estate in north Dorset TRE assessed at 3 hides and with a value of 20s.

Distribution map of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

List of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

Holder 1066

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Dorset 35,1 Milton on Stour Wicnod Wihtnoth 'of Milton' - William de Falaise Roger 'the man of William de Falaise' 3.00 1.00 1.00 D


Wihtnoth 5’s estate was at Milton on Stour, lying between the Stour and Shreen Water in north Dorset. By 1086 his estate was one of three held by William de Falaise (William 20) and attached to an estate at Silton, little more than a mile away; the other two, like Silton itself, had been held by Wulfweard White (Wulfweard 17) TRE. It is therefore possible that Wihtnoth 5 had held his land under Wulfweard’s lordship and it had passed to William for this reason, although it is also possible that it represented a post-Conquest acquisition by William and had no prior connection to Wulfweard.

Milton on Stour lies about 46 miles from Leonard Stanley in Gloucestershire, where Wihtnoth 4 held part of an estate of 4½ hides TRE. This seems slightly too far distant relative to the sizes of their estates for an identity between the two men to be considered, in addition to which their lands passed to different post-Conquest successors.

Von Feilitzen (1937: 414) suggested that Wihtnoth 5 might be the same person as Wihtnoth 2, who as minister witnessed a charter relating to land at Horton in Dorset in 1033 (S 969; O’Donovan 1988: 68-74). Since Horton is less than 20 miles from Milton and the name Wihtnoth seems extremely rare then the suggestion is not unreasonable, although the interval of 33 years between records may tell against this and further evidence would be needed to press the identification with any confidence.


O’Donovan 1988: M. A. O’Donovan, ed., Charters of Sherborne, Anglo-Saxon Charters 3 (Oxford, 1988)

S: P. H. Sawyer, Anglo-Saxon Charters: An Annotated List and Bibliography, Royal Historical Society Guides and Handbooks 8 (London, 1968), revised by S. Kelly, R. Rushforth et al., The Electronic Sawyer: Online Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon Charters, published online through Kemble: The Anglo-Saxon Charters Website, currently at http://www.esawyer.org.uk/about/index.html

von Feilitzen 1937: Olof von Feilitzen, The Pre-Conquest Personal Names of Domesday Book, Nomina Germanica 3 (Uppsala: Almqvist and Wiksells, 1937)