Brorda 6

Brorda ‘of Patching’ (Essex), fl. 1066
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Brorda 6 held two estates in south Essex TRE assessed for a total of 2¾ hides and with a probable value of 50s.

Distribution map of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

List of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

Holder 1066

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Essex 32,34 Fryerning Borda Brorda 'of Patching' - Robert Gernon Richard 'the man of Robert Gernon' 0.25 0.50 0.50 B
Essex 32,35 Patching Borda Brorda 'of Patching' - Robert Gernon Picot of Cambridge 2.50 2.00 2.00 B


Brorda 6’s manor was one of three of roughly similar size at Patching, in the Chelmer valley just outside Chelmsford in south Essex.  The manor had a mix of arable and pastoral farming.  There were two ploughs on Brorda’s demesne and a further ‘half-plough’ on the land of the peasants, who comprised one villan and six bordars with their households and who, together with four slaves, provided the estate’s workforce.  The pastoral element of the manor was small, with 10 acres of meadow to augment other pasture supporting the oxen for the plough-teams and just four cattle, twenty sheep and twenty pigs, although the manor’s woodland was more than sufficient to provide pannage for the latter.

It is very probable that Brorda 6 was also the TRE holder of a tiny estate at Fryerning, because this was the only other estate held by someone called Brorda in DB, it lay just 6 miles to the south-west of Patching and not only did it pass to the same post-Conquest successor, Robert Gernon (Robert 53) but it also was recorded in the DB entry immediately preceding that for Brorda 6’s manor at Patching.  The 30 acres that he held at Freyerning appear to have been arable, with ‘half a plough’ and 2½ acres of meadow, roughly enough to support the four oxen that would make up a half plough-team; no peasant population is recorded and labour was presumably sent from the main manor as required.  No TRE value is given in DB but was probably similar to that of 10s in 1086.

There is no apparent connection between Brorda 6 and any of the other people holding land at either Patching or Fryerning TRE, nor is there reason to consider him in connection with anyone else.