Winge 2

Winge ‘of Horndon’ (Essex), fl. 1066
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Winge 2 had a small manor in south Essex TRE assessed at 1½ hides; it had a value of 20s in 1086.

Distribution map of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

List of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

Holder 1066

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Essex 60,1 Horndon Winge Winge 'of Horndon' - Hugh de Saint-Quentin - 1.50 1.00 1.00 B
Essex 90,1 Horndon - Winge 'of Horndon' - Godwine Gudhen - 0.00 0.00 0.00 B


Winge 2’s manor was one of several small estates and holdings totalling 8 hides at Horndon-on-the-Hill in south Essex, the generic of the place-name (Old English dūn ‘hill, upland expanse’) referring to a prominent hill overlooking the Thames marshes and occupied by the main settlement (Reaney 1935: 157). It is likely that a small burh and mint were established here shortly before the Conquest, because a solitary coin of 1056x1059 bearing the mint-name Hornidvne, perhaps minted by Duding 1, has been found (Freeman 1985: 72, 217-19; Carroll and Parsons 2007: 170-2). If so then this might explain why DB records two mansiones that were taken from Winge’s manor after the Conquest, the term mansiones sometimes having the sense ‘dwellings, messuages’ in DB and referring to burghal property (e.g. Latham 1965: 288-9; Welldon Finn 1973: 89; Williams 2002: 1433).

Whatever the precise status of the main settlement at Horndon TRE, however, Winge’s manor and interests were predominantly agricultural and small-scale. There was one plough on his demesne to work the arable land but none on the land of the peasant population, which comprised three bordars and their households who provided the manor’s workforce. The pastoral side of the manor focussed on a small flock of sheep, although the oxen for the plough-team will also have required grazing; DB records only a single cow and pig, together with a horse (runcinus ‘rouncy’) that may have been a pack animal. There was a small area of woodland and Winge also had a one-eighth share in a fishery (piscinæ), presumably a fish-weir on the little stream that runs past Horndon and down to the Thames at Mucking.

This was the only estate attributed in DB to someone called Winge or a similar name and there is no reason to consider Winge 2 in association with anyone else.


Carroll and Parsons 2007: J. Carroll and D. N. Parsons, Anglo-Saxon Mint-Names: I. Axbridge – Hythe (Nottingham, 2007)

Freeman 1985: A. Freeman, The Moneyer and the Mint in the Reign of Edward the Confessor, B.A.R. British series 145 (Oxford, 1985)

Latham 1965: R. E. Latham, Revised Medieval Latin Word-List from British and Irish Sources (London, 1965)

Reaney 1935: P. H. Reaney, The Place-Names of Essex (Cambridge, 1935)

Welldon Finn 1973: R. Welldon Finn, Domesday Book: A Guide (London and Chichester, 1973)

Williams 2002: Domesday Book: A Complete Translation, ed. A. Williams and G. H. Martin (London, 2002)