Winegot 2

Winegot priest ‘of Butleigh’ (Som.), fl. 1066
4 of 5


Winegot 3


Winegot 2 was a priest with a small holding in Somerset TRE assessed at 3 virgates; the TRE value is not known but it was 10s in 1086.

Distribution map of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

List of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

Holder 1066

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Somerset 8,12 Butleigh Winegod Winegot the priest, 'of Butleigh' - Thurstan, abbot of Glastonbury Roger de Courseulles 0.75 0.30 0.50 D


Winegot 2 is described as a priest in Exon (164a1); but what he was the priest of is unknown because the precise location of his small estate, given as Bodeslege in DB, is unclear. The order of entries in Exon suggests that it was in Ringoldsway Hundred and this, together with the fact it was held by a subtenant of Glastonbury Abbey in 1086, has led to the usual identification with Butleigh, although Bagley in another Glastonbury estate at Panborough has also been suggested (Abrams 1996: 65, 76-7, 193).

Furthermore, because neither DB nor Exon states explicitly that Winegot 2 held his estate under Glastonbury’s lordship, it is conceivable that the abbey only acquired the property after the Conquest. The matter should be left open.

Butleigh and Bagley are only 19 and 23 miles respectively from the small TRE estate of Winegot 3 in west Wiltshire, which given the extreme rarity of the name is probably close enough for a connection with Winegot 2 to be considered. However, the association of Winegot 2 with the priesthood and perhaps Glastonbury Abbey on the one hand and the possible association of Winegot 3 with Winegod 1 on the other, together with the small size of their estates and the differences in their post-Conquest successors, render it more likely than not that Winegot 2 and Winegot 3 were different people.


Abrams 1996: L. Abrams, Anglo-Saxon Glastonbury: Church and Endowment (Woodbridge, 1996)