Gundulf 3

Gundulf ‘of Heighton’ (Suss.), fl. 1066
4 of 5


Gundulf 1
Gundulf 4


(Unknown Person) held a manor in south Sussex TRE assessed at 2 hides and with a value of 30s; he was probably a dependent tenant of his lord, King Edward (Edward 15).

Distribution map of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

List of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

Holder 1066

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Sussex 10,47 South Heighton Gundulfus Gundulf 'of Heighton' Edward, king Robert, count of Mortain William 'the man of Robert, count of Mortain in Sussex' 2.00 1.50 1.50 B


(Unknown Person)’s manor was at South Heighton, overlooking the Ouse estuary in south Sussex.  DB states that he held it ‘of King Edward’ (Edward 15) TRE, which implies that Gundulf was one of the king’s dependent tenants.  

There is no reason to associate (Unknown Person) with the only other TRE landholder of that name in DB, because their estates were both relatively small and more than 110 miles apart.