Colbrand 7

Colbrand ‘of Sowe’ (Warws.), fl. 1066
4 of 5


Colbrand 6


Colbrand 7 had a small estate in north-east Warwickshire TRE assessed at 1 hide and with a value of 20s.

Distribution map of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

List of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

Holder 1066

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Warwickshire 44,7 Walsgrave Colebran Colbrand 'of Sowe' - Richard the forester - 1.00 1.00 3.00 C


Colbrand 7’s small estate was at Sowe (now Walsgrave-on-Sowe) in north-east Warwickshire, where the eponymous river, a tributary of the River Avon, is crossed by a road from Coventry.  It was one of two estates at Sowe, the other and much larger one being held by Coventry Abbey.

DB records that in 1086 the extensive woodland of Colbrand’s former estate was divided between the holder, the king and the abbot, which together with later parochial evidence may point to the land having been in the hands of Earl Leofric (Leofric 49) when he and his wife refounded Coventry Abbey in the early eleventh century (Bassett 2001: 21-2, 29).  After the Conquest the estate was associated with a forest serjeanty (Maxwell-Lyte 1923: 1275, 1277-8; Palmer et al. 2002: DB Warws. 44,1 Notes) and it is possible that a similar role had been performed by Colbrand and his predecessors (if any) before the Conquest.  However, DB simply states that he held the land freely TRE.

Colbrand 7’s estate was far removed from any other held by someone of that name TRE and there is no reason to consider him in connection with anyone else.


Bassett 2001: S. Bassett, Anglo-Saxon Coventry and its Churches, Dugdale Society Occasional Papers 41 (Stratford-upon-Avon, 2001)

Maxwell-Lyte 1923: Liber Feodum: The Book of Fees, commonly called Testa de Nevill, reformed from the earliest MSS. Part II, A.D. 1242-1293 and Appendix, ed. H. C. Maxwell-Lyte (London, 1923)

Palmer et al. 2002: J. Palmer, F. Thorn and C. Thorn, and N. Hodgson, Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation, Databases and Scholarly Commentary, 1086, 2nd edn (2002), currently published online by the UK Data Service