Wulfræd 53

Wulfræd ‘of Stonham’ (Suffolk), fl. 1066
4 of 5


Wulfræd 52
Wulfræd 54


Wulfræd 53 was a free man with a tiny holding in Suffolk TRE assessed at 20 acres, the value being uncertain because it was included in that of other estates. He was in the commendation of Alflæd.

Distribution map of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

List of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

Holder 1066

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Suffolk 8,55 Stonham Vluret Wulfræd 'of Stonham' Ælfflæd, antecessor of Roger the Poitevin Roger the Poitevin - 0.17 0.00 0.00 B


Wulfræd 53’s little holding of 20 acres was at Stanham, now Earl and Little Stonham by a tributary of the River Gipping in Suffolk, which was a vill divided into numerous small holdings held by free men, sokemen and thegns TRE. Wulfræd’s holding was one of three such that were included in the DB entry for three small manors in the fief of Roger 11 the Poitevin; his holding was included in the valuation of the manors and its TRE value cannot be recovered with any confidence. It is clear that the three TRE manors represented the recent division of an earlier unit (the assessments and values of each were the same, and each held one-third of the church), although the TRE status of the three smaller holdings in relation to them is uncertain.

DB describes Wulfræd as a free man and notes that he was in the commendation of Alflæd, who held one of the three manors. It is notable that four of the holders at Stanham recorded in this DB entry had names beginning with the Old English element wulf (Wulfric and Wulfmær each held a manor and Wulfwine had one of the holdings) while the other two both had names apparently beginning with OE ælf (Alflæd and Ælfric, holder of the remaining holding). Both elements are common; but given the careful division of the three main manors and the tendency for name-elements to be shared within families it is conceivable that the six holders were related in some way.

Wulfræd 53’s holding was small and distant from any other held by someone of that name in DB and so there is no reason to consider him in connection with any of them.