Ceolræd 9

Ceolræd ‘of Foddington’ (Som.), fl. 1066
4 of 5


Ceolræd 10


Ceolræd 9 was a small landowner in south Somerset with two manors of 2 hides 1½ virgates worth 50s.


Two small manors at Bradon and Foddington, some 15 miles apart in the lowland belt of lias soils south of the Somerset Levels are assigned in DB to the name Ceolræd and probably refer to the same person. Both passed after the Conquest to Robert, count of Mortain, but his fief in Somerset was in the main structured by geography rather than succession to particular individuals, and the rarity of the name and relative proximity provide a better case for identification. Ceolræd’s manor at Bradon comprised 1 hide of the 5 hides in the DB vill, which had probably already fragmented into the distinct territories of North Bradon, South Bradon, and Goose Bradon (Phill. Som.: place-name notes 19,17 and 47,4). At Foddington, another 5-hide vill, he had a manor of 1 hide 1½ virgates.


Phill. Som.: