Hugh 51

Hugh fitzConstantius, fl. 1086
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Hugh 50
Hugh 52

Distribution map of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

List of property and lordships associated with this name in DB

Subtenant in 1086

Shire Phil. ref. Vill DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 Subtenant Fiscal Value 1066 Value 1086 Value Conf. Show on Map
Staffordshire 11,31 Tixall - Alric 'of Tixall' - Robert of Stafford Hugh fitzConstantius 0.38 0.75 0.75 -
Staffordshire 11,31 Tixall - Ordmær 17 'of Salt' - Robert of Stafford Hugh fitzConstantius 0.38 0.75 0.75 -
Staffordshire 11,32 Ingestre - Wilgrip 'of Church Eaton' - Robert of Stafford Hugh fitzConstantius 1.50 0.38 0.38 -
Staffordshire 11,32 Ingestre - Godwine 'of Weston' - Robert of Stafford Hugh fitzConstantius 1.50 0.38 0.38 -
Staffordshire 11,44 Patshull - Brothor 'of Patshull' - Robert of Stafford Hugh fitzConstantius 3.00 1.50 1.50 -
Staffordshire 11,45 Oaken - Brothor 'of Patshull' - Robert of Stafford Hugh fitzConstantius 5.00 0.40 0.40 -
Warwickshire 16,61 Loxley - Æstan 'of Loxley' - Robert, count of Meulan Hugh fitzConstantius 3.75 1.50 4.50 -
Warwickshire 16,62 Preston Bagot - Beorhtnoth 'of Alveston' - Robert, count of Meulan Hugh fitzConstantius 5.00 1.50 2.00 -
Warwickshire 18,15 Loxley - Manegot 'of Loxley' - Hugh de Grandmesnil Hugh fitzConstantius 0.25 0.25 0.25 -
Warwickshire 22,19 Morton Bagot - Grimulf 'of Morton Bagot' - Robert of Stafford Hugh fitzConstantius 2.00 1.50 2.50 -
Warwickshire 22,21 Ruin Clifford - Sæweard 'of Ruin Clifford' - Robert of Stafford Hugh fitzConstantius 1.25 1.50 1.50 -
Warwickshire 29,4 Spernall - - - William Bonvalet Hugh fitzConstantius 2.00 2.00 2.00 -