Colswein 10

Colswein priest ‘of Winchester’ (Hants), fl. c.1057
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Colswein 9
Colswein 11


Colswein 10 was a priest with a tenement in Winchester TRE that rendered all the customary dues.


According to the Winton Domesday Colswein 10 was a priest (and, by implication, a burgess) who held a tenement in Winchester in c.1057; this tenement was on the north side of the High Street and probably lay close to the West Gate (Biddle 1976: 9-10, 40).  It is not apparent which of the city’s numerous churches and collegiate minsters he may have served, if indeed any.  His tenement paid the customary royal dues and was included in the part of the survey that had lain within King Edward’s lordship, so it is conceivable that he was a royal clerk.


Biddle 1976: M. Biddle, ed., Winchester in the Early Middle Ages: An Edition and Discussion of the Winton Domesday, Winchester Studies 1 (Oxford, 1976)