Vitalis 6

Vitalis priest ‘of Huntingdon’ (Huntingdonshire), fl. before 1066
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Vitalis 7


Vitalis 6 was one of two priests who by the gift of King Edward (Edward 15) held St Mary’s minster in Huntingdon together with 2 hides at some point between 1042 and 1065.


Vitalis 6 occurs in DB only in one of three entries relating to St Mary’s minster in the borough of Huntingdon, in which he and Bernard are described as priests of King Edward (Edward 15). The minster and its land had been leased to the burgesses by Thorney Abbey but was then given to Vitalis and Bernard by the king; they then sold it to Hugh, the king’s chamberlain, who in turn sold it to the two priests who held it in 1066 and, albeit under the sheriff, in 1086 (Roffe 1989: 20-1; Palmer et al. 2007: DB Hunts. B12; 19,9; D1 Notes). It is clear from the details of these transactions that Vitalis and Bernard held the church at some point between 1042 and 1065, but precisely when and for how long is unknown. 

There is no evidence to associate Vitalis 6 with any of the other men of that name recorded in DB.


Palmer 2010: J. Palmer, Electronic Edition of Domesday Book: Translation, Databases and Scholarly Commentary, 1086, 2nd edn (2010), published online by the UK Data Service, SN: 5694, currently at

Roffe 1989: D. R. Roffe, ‘An introduction to the Huntingdonshire Domesday’, in The Huntingdonshire Domesday, ed. A. Williams and R. W. H. Erskine (London, 1989), pp. 1-23